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Family Voices Resources
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- 1. Introduction and Overview
- 2. Is My Child Eligible for the CLTS Program?
- 3. Completing a Functional Screen
- 4. What to Expect After a Child is Determined Eligible
- 5. Developing Your Child's Individual Service Plan
- 6. Your Child's Service Plan: Creating Outcomes
- 7. What Services Might be Covered?
- 8. Appealing a Denial
- Your Voice Counts #1: Introduction to Family Leadership
- Your Voice Counts #2: Being an Effective Advocate
- Your Voice Counts #3: Families Need to be at the Table
- Your Voice Counts #4: Participating in a Children’s Community Options Program Advisory Committee
- Your Voice Counts #5: Joining a Committee: Thoughts for Families
- Your Voice Counts #6: Overcome Barriers and Get Involved
- Adult Long-Term Support Programs
- Exploring Self-Employment for Youth with Disabilities
- Financial Planning for Youth with Disabilities
- Healthcare Transition Planning
- Housing for a Young Adult with Disabilities
- Introduction to Integrated Transition for Youth and Families
- Planning for Employment
- Safety Planning for Life in the Community
- Transition for Youth with Mental Health Needs
- Youth Fully Participating and Engaged in Their Community
- A "Medical Home" - What Should I Expect From My Doctor
- ABLE Accounts: What Wisconsin Families Need to Know
- Are You Tele-Ready? Making the Most of Telemedicine Visits
- Birth to 3 Program: A Family Perspective
- Community Connections and Friendship for Children with Disabilities
- COVID and School Safety: Options for Children with Disabilities or Complex Medical Conditions
- COVID Vaccines and Children with Disabilities or Complex Medical Needs
- Creating a Vision for Your Child’s Future
- Early Choices Matter: Children Building Choice-Making Skills
- Finding and Hiring Direct Caregivers
- Finding the Right Doctor for Your Child With Special Needs
- Inclusive Child Care for Children with Disabilities
- Insurance Prior Authorizations
- Katie Beckett Program: A Doorway to Medicaid for Children with Disabilities
- Making the Most of Doctors Appointments
- Medicaid and Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
- Medicaid Coverage for Diapers and Other Incontinence Supplies
- Medicaid HealthCheck "Other Services"
- Medicaid HMO Coverage for Diapers
- Medicaid Personal Care Services
- Medicaid: Appealing a Denial
- Medicaid: Explaining and Exploring Wisconsin Medicaid
- Preparing for Emergencies
- Private Duty Nursing: A Medicaid Covered Service
- Questions for My Health Plan or Insurance Company
- Respite Services for Children with Disabilities
- School and Community Based Therapy Services: Understanding Your Options and Avoiding Insurance Denials
- Self Determination and Children with Disabilities
- Summer Camps
- Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Children with Disabilities
- Supported Decision Making for Transition-Age Youth
- Transition - Health Coverage Options for Young Adults
- Wisconsin’s Guardianship Training Requirement: What Families Need to Know
- Working with a Fiscal Employer Agent
- Working with an IRIS Consultant
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- 2017 Listening Session Report
- 2018 Listening Session Report
- 2019 Listening Session Report
- 2021 Listening Session Report
- 2022 Listening Session Report
- 2023 Listening Session Report
- 2024 Listening Session Report
- Advocacy for Change 2021, Evaluation Summary
- Advocacy for Change 2022, Evaluation Summary
- Shared Participation
- Birth to 3 Program: Why is a Natural Environment Important?
- Birth to 3 Program: Why is Early Intervention Important?
- Care Map Instructions: Making a Care Map for Your Child
- Emergency Preparedness: Make a Plan
- Medicaid Coverage for Diapers and Other Incontinence Supplies
- Newborn Screening: What if Your Baby's Screening Results are Concerning?
- Newborn Screening: What is Genetics?
- Newborn Screening: What is Newborn Screening?
- Respite Care vs Personal Care: Is there a difference?
Equity and Diversity
- Connecting with your Child with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities about Racism, Police Brutality, and Protests
- Racial and Social Injustice (ep. 2)
- Structural Racism, Child Health and the Need for a Racial Equity Lens
- Understanding Racial and Social Injustice (ep. 1)
- Understanding Racial and Social Injustice (ep. 3): Mama’s Circle, Part 1
- Understanding Racial and Social Injustice (ep. 4): Dads' Round Table Talk
Family Leadership
- Advocacy for Change Institute
- DHS: Statutory Boards, Committees, and Councils
- Find Your State Legislator
- Partners in Policymaking
- Speak Up - Finding Your Voice
- State-Level Committees and Councils
- Wisconsin Family Leadership Institute (WiFLI)
- Your Voice Counts #1: Introduction to Family Leadership
- Your Voice Counts #2: Being an Effective Advocate
- Your Voice Counts #3: Families Need to be at the Table
- Your Voice Counts #4: Participating in a Children’s Community Options Program Advisory Committee
- Your Voice Counts #5: Joining a Committee: Thoughts for Families
- Your Voice Counts #6: Overcome Barriers and Get Involved
Family Support
- Birth to 3 Program
- Birth to 3 Program: A Family Perspective
- Birth to 3 Program: Why is a Natural Environment Important?
- Birth to 3 Program: Why is Early Intervention Important?
- Disasters and Emergencies - Keeping Children Safe
- Finding and Hiring Direct Caregivers
- Inclusive Child Care for Children with Disabilities
- Respite Care vs Personal Care: Is there a difference?
- Respite Services for Children with Disabilities
- Tips for Keeping Your Family Healthy this Summer
- An Introduction to Special Education
- ARC Toolkit to Telling Your Story
- Children's Resource Centers
- Community Connections and Friendship for Children with Disabilities
- COVID and School Safety: Options for Children with Disabilities or Complex Medical Conditions
- Emergency Preparedness: Make a Plan
- Finding the Right Doctor for Your Child With Special Needs
- How to Tell Your Story
- Organizations to Assist Families
- Sports and Recreation
- Starting and Sustaining Family Support Groups: Sustaining a Family Support Group
- Starting and Sustaining Family Support Groups: Virtual Support Groups
- Starting and Sustaining Family Support Groups: Where to Begin?
- Summer Camps
- Wisconsin’s Guardianship Training Requirement: What Families Need to Know
Health Care
- A "Medical Home" - What Should I Expect From My Doctor
- Care Map Instructions: Making a Care Map for Your Child
- COVID Resource List
- COVID Vaccines and Children with Disabilities or Complex Medical Needs
- Glossary: Health Care Acronyms & Abbreviations
- Insurance Prior Authorizations
- Making the Most of Doctors Appointments
- Nursing Services for Students with Healthcare Needs
- Partnering with Your Child's Provider
- School and Community Based Therapy Services: Understanding Your Options and Avoiding Insurance Denials
- TIPS: Partnering with Your Child's Health Plan
- Youth to Adult Health Transition
Long-Term Supports
- 1. Introduction and Overview
- 2. Is My Child Eligible for the CLTS Program?
- 3. Completing a Functional Screen
- 4. What to Expect After a Child is Determined Eligible
- 5. Developing Your Child's Individual Service Plan
- 6. Your Child's Service Plan: Creating Outcomes
- 7. What Services Might be Covered?
- 8. Appealing a Denial
- Children’s Community Options Program (CCOP)
- Early Choices Matter: Children Building Choice-Making Skills
- Children's Long-Term Supports Program
- Find Your Federal Representative
- Forward Health - Health Care Programs
- Katie Beckett Program: A Doorway to Medicaid for Children with Disabilities
- Medicaid and Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
- Medicaid Coverage for Diapers and Other Incontinence Supplies
- Medicaid Coverage for Diapers and Other Incontinence Supplies
- Medicaid HealthCheck "Other Services"
- Medicaid HMO Coverage for Diapers
- Medicaid Personal Care Services
- Medicaid: Appealing a Denial
- Medicaid: Explaining and Exploring Wisconsin Medicaid
- Private Duty Nursing: A Medicaid Covered Service
- SSI Child Disability Starter Kit
Mental Health
Money Matters
Recursos en español
Family Voices hojas informativas y boletines en español
- 1. Introducción y descripción general
- 2. ¿Mi hijo es elegible para el programa de exención para CLTS?
- 3. Completar una evaluación funcional
- 4. Qué esperar después de que se determina que un niño es elegible
- 5. Desarrollando el Plan Individual de Servicios de su Hijo
- 6. Plan de servicios de su hijo: Creando resultados
- 7. ¿Qué servicios se podrían cubrir?
- 8. Apelando una denegación
- Programa de Apoyoa Largo Plazo para NiñosHojasInformativas-Enero de 2019
- Su vos cuenta #4: Participación en el Comité Asesor del Programa de Opciones Comunitarias para Niños de Wisconsin
- Su voz cuenta #1: Introducción al liderazgo familiar
- Su voz cuenta #2: Cómo ser un defensor eficaz
- Su voz cuenta #3: Las familias necesitan estar presentes en la mesa
- Su voz cuenta #5: Únase a un comité, Ideas para las familias
- Su voz cuenta #6: Supere barreras y participe
- WITPP 10: seguridad en una vida en comunidad
- WITPP 1: Introducción a Una Transición Integral Para Jóvenes y Familias
- WITPP 2: Jóvenes participando e involucrándose plenamente con su comunidad
- WITPP 3: Transición para jóvenes con necesidades de salud mental
- WITPP 4: Planificación para Conseguir Empleo
- WITPP 5: Programas de apoyo a largo plazo para adultos
- WITPP 6: Vivienda para un joven adulto con discapacidades
- WITPP 7: Planificación para la transición de cuidados de salud
- WITPP 8: Planificación financiera para jóvenes con discapacidades
- WITPP 9: Exploración del trabajo independiente para jóvenes con discapacidades
- Apelación de un rechazo de Medicaid o BadgerCare
- Aprovechar al máximo las citas médicas
- Asociándose con el proveedor de su hijo
- Autodeterminación
- Autorizaciones Previas del Seguro
- Búsqueda de personal para respiro y cuidados personales
- Búsqueda y Contratación de Cuidadores Directos
- Cobertura de Medicaid HMO para pañales
- Cobertura de Medicaid para pañales
- COVID y la Seguridad Escolar
- Cuentas ABLE - Lo Que Las Familias de Wisconsin Necesitan Saber
- Cuidado Infantil Inclusivo para Niños con Discapacidades
- Cuidados de relevo para niños con discapacidades
- Decisiones Hechas con Apoyo
- Eligiendo Al Doctor Correcto
- Enfermera privada: Un servicio cubierto por Medicaid
- Hogar Médico
- Katie Beckett Medicaid
- Los Servicios de Cuidado Personal Y Medicaid
- Medicaid HealthCheck “Otros Servicios”
- Medicaid: Explicando y Explorando Wisconsin Medicaid
- Medicaidy el transporte a citas médicas
- Opciones de cobertura de la salud para jóvenes
- Organizaciones de Wisconsin que ofrecen recursos para familias con niños y jóvenes con necesidades de cuidados especiales de salud
- Preguntas para mi plan de salud o compañía de seguros
- Preguntas para una agencia de salud mental
- Preparación para emergencias
- Programa desde el nacimiento hasta los 3 años: Una perspectiva familiar
- Requisito de capacitación para la custodia en Wisconsin: Lo que las familias deben saber
- Seguro de ingresos suplementario y niños con discapacidad
- Servicios do terapia
- Soñar e imaginar el futuro de su hijo
- Trabajar con un agente fiscal del empleador
- Trabajar con un Consultor de IRIS
- Vacunas de COVID y Niños con Discapacidades o Necesidades Médicas Complejas
- ¿Estás tele-listo/a?
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- Are You Tele-Ready? Making the Most of Telemedicine Visits
- Internet Connectivity Program in Wisconsin
- Internet Resources for Wisconsin Residents during Public Health Emergency
- Telehealth Glossary
- Telehealth Security
- Telehealth Webinar 1: Are You Connected?
- Telehealth Webinar 2: Do You Have a Device?
- Telehealth Webinar 3: Can You See Your Provider?
- Telehealth Webinar 4: Your Family's First Telemedicine Appointment
Transition to Adult Life
- Adult Long-Term Support Programs
- Creating a Vision for Your Child’s Future
- Exploring Self-Employment for Youth with Disabilities
- Financial Planning for Youth with Disabilities
- Healthcare Transition Planning
- Housing for a Young Adult with Disabilities
- Introduction to Integrated Transition for Youth and Families
- Planning for Employment
- Safety Planning for Life in the Community
- Self Determination and Children with Disabilities
- Supported Decision Making for Transition-Age Youth
- Supported Decision Making Guide - BPDD
- Transition - Health Coverage Options for Young Adults
- Transition for Youth with Mental Health Needs
- Working with a Fiscal Employer Agent
- Working with an IRIS Consultant
- Youth Fully Participating and Engaged in Their Community
- Youth to Adult Health Transition
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What Services Might Be Covered?
(#7 of 8 in Series)
Reviewed July 2024
What is the Children’s Long–Term Support (CLTS) Program?
The CLTS Program provides funding and support for families who have children with disabilities, who are Medicaid eligible, so they can care for their children at home and participate in their communities. This article has descriptions of services and programs that may be covered as part of your child’s CLTS individual service plan. (See Family Voices of Wisconsin CLTS Fact Sheets #5 to learn more about Individual Service Plans). As your family works with your child’s Support and Service Coordinator (SSC) this list will start you thinking broadly about what might be helpful to your child.
Tip for Families
If your child’s SSC is not familiar with a covered service or item, you can contact the County Waiver Agency or the Bureau of Children’s Services staff at the Department of Health Services by emailing
See CLTS: Covered Services, and Benefits at a Glance
Need Help Finding a CLTS Provider?
Your SSC may be able to help you find providers for needed services. However, you may need to find a provider or contractor. First, go to Children’s Long-Term Support Provider Database to see if one of the registered providers can do the work or provide the services you need. If the database does not have the provider you need, you may be able to find a provider on your own and ask that they register as a CLTS Provider.
See CLTS: Information for Providers, How Do I Become a CLTS Provider
Children’s Long–Term Support (CLTS) Program Description of Covered Services
(Note that these services are in alphabetical order. To see a partial list by category, see Benefits at a Glance)
Adult Family Homes: Provides individualized treatment, support, and services above the level of room and board for one to four people living together in a residence that is certified or licensed as an adult family home.
Assistive Technology: Assistive technology are items, pieces of equipment, software or application, service animals, product systems, or services that increase, maintain, or improve functional capabilities of participants at home, work, and in the community.
Child Care: Ensure the child’s or youth’s exceptional physical, emotional, behavioral, or personal care needs are met during times when his or her family members are working, pursuing education and employment goals, or participating in training to strengthen the family’s capacity to care for their child. For a child under age 12, CLTS may pay the supplemental cost of child care to meet the child’s exceptional care needs. This could include staffing necessary to meet the child’s care needs above and beyond the cost of basic child care that all families with young children may pay. For a child 12 or older, the total cost of child care may be included.
Children’s Foster Care: Services are allowable for a child who is placed in a residence operated as a foster home by a licensed person and includes supplementary intensive supports and supervision services beyond the maintenance payment made to foster parents to address a child’s or youth’s exceptional emotional or behavioral needs, or physical or personal care needs, in a family environment.
Communication Assistance for Community Inclusion: these are items and services that facilitate and assist participants with hearing, speech, communication, or vision impairment, including participants with Limited English Proficiency, to maximize the integration within the community. This service assists the participant to effectively communicate with service providers, family, friends, and the general public; decrease reliance on paid staff; increase personal safety; enhance independence; increase community inclusion; and improve social and emotional well-being.
Community/Competitive Integrated Employment (Individual): assists a participant to find and keep employment paid at or above minimum wage in an integrated setting in the general workforce, in a job that meets the participant’s personal and career goals. These services assist a participant who, because of their disabilities, needs intensive ongoing support to obtain and maintain a job in a competitive, customized, or self-employment work setting. Community/competitive integrated employment may include competitive jobs in the public or private sector, or business ownership
Community/Competitive Integrated Employment (small group): Small group community/competitive integrated employment assists a participant to attain sustained employment paid at or above minimum wage in an integrated setting in the general workforce, in a job that meets the participant’s personal and career goals.
Community Integration Services: Primarily for families with children who have multiple and complex mental health and/or behavioral concerns, and are involved in multiple services and service systems, this service covers intensive case coordination and individualized community-based services.
Counseling and Therapeutic Services: Covers professional evaluation and consultation services to children and youth with identified needs for physical, personal, social, cognitive, developmental, emotional, or substance abuse services. This service can include therapies that are not available under the Medicaid State Plan. Counseling and therapeutic services must meet a clearly defined outcome and may include the following: music therapy, art therapy, hippotherapy or equine-assisted therapy.
Daily Living Skills Training: Provides education and skill development or training to support the child’s or youth’s ability to independently perform routine daily activities and effectively use community resources. These instructional services, provided by qualified professionals, focus on skill development (and do not provide substitute task performance).
Day Services: Day services provide participants with regularly scheduled activities for part of the day. Services are typically provided up to five days per week in a nonresidential setting and may occur in a single physical environment or in multiple environments, including natural settings in the community.
Discovery and Career Planning: Discovery and career planning services provide learning and work experiences where the participant can develop general, non-job-task-specific strengths and skills that contribute to employability in paid employment in integrated community settings.
Empowerment and Self-Determination Supports: Empowerment and self-determination supports help the participant acquire skills to exercise control and responsibility over their other supportive services. Exercising control and responsibility over supportive services helps the participant and their family build an interdependent care network within their community and promotes self-determination.
Family/Unpaid Caregiver Supports and Services: Family/Unpaid Caregiver Supports and Services provides education, training, and support to an unpaid caregiver of a participant that increases confidence, stamina, and empowerment to support and care for the participant. This service includes, but is not limited to: Training, instruction, or support provided in a participant’s home, community, or other appropriate locations, Conferences, Resource materials, Online training, Family-to-family navigation, Support groups, Registration and training fees associated with formal instruction.
Financial Management Services: Assist a child and his or her family to manage the CLTS Waiver Program services and funding. A financial management services provider (also called the fiscal intermediary or fiscal agent) performs financial transactions on behalf of the child or youth for the delivery of CLTS Waiver Program services. The fiscal intermediary also serves as an agent for handling employment-related tasks associated with the authorized supports and services in the child’s ISP.
Grief and Bereavement Counseling: Grief and bereavement counseling helps the participant and/or their family cope with the possible death of the participant and supports the family after the participant’s death.
Health and Wellness: Health and wellness services maintain or improve the health, wellbeing, socialization, or inclusion of the participant with their family and peers in the community. Health and wellness services support the child’s inclusion with the family and peers in health and wellness activities within their community. Health and wellness services focus on healthy habits thereby preventing or delaying higher cost institutional care.
Home Modifications: Include services to assess the need for, arrange for, and provide modification and/ or improvements to the home. Home modifications are generally permanent fixtures and/or changes to the physical structure of the home. This service may be used to ensure safe, accessible means of entry and exit to the home, and provide safe access to rooms, facilities or equipment within the home or adjacent buildings that are part of the residence.
- Examples of Home Modifications Include: Fences required for safety; fixed ramps and platforms; porch and/or stair lifts; doors, doorways, door handles, and door opening devices; adaptive door bells, locks, and/or security items or devices; plumbing and electrical modifications related to other adaptations; medically necessary heating, cooling, or ventilation systems; shower, sink, tub, and toilet modifications; accessible cabinetry, countertops, or work surfaces; wall protection; necessary repair, maintenance, and reasonable replacement of an approved home modification.
Housing Support Services: Housing support services provide comprehensive guidance and services for participants and families to obtain and/or retain a safe and accessible living arrangement that meets their needs and preferences.
Participant and Family Directed Goods and Services: Participant and family directed goods and services are services, supports, supplies or goods that address or enhance the participant’s opportunity to meet a long-term support outcome, but are not otherwise provided through another CLTS Program service or the Medicaid state plan.
Participant and Family-Direction Broker Services: Participant and family-direction broker services empower and assist participants and families to direct their own CLTS Program services and supports. The participant and family-direction broker assists the participant and family in meeting their participant and family direction responsibilities. A participant and family-direction broker is an individual who assists in securing and directing participant and family-directed supports.
Personal Emergency Response System: This service secures an immediate response and access to assistance in the event of a physical, emotional, or environmental emergency. A PERS uses a community-based telephonic, global positioning system, or other electronic communications device to provide a direct electronic communications link between the child or youth and emergency responders.
Personal Supports: Personal supports directly and indirectly assist the participant with daily living activities and personal needs, to promote improved functioning and safety in their home and community.
Relocation Services: This service assists with preparations for the child’s or youth’s relocation to a safe and accessible community living arrangement. This service includes supports and essential items needed for a child or youth to establish a community living arrangement when he or she is relocating from an institution or foster home to a less restrictive setting, or when the youth is moving out of his or her family’s home to a more independent setting.
Respite Care: Maintains and strengthens the child’s or youth’s natural supports by easing the daily stress and care demands for his or her family, or other primary caregivers, on a short-term basis. This service provides a level of care and supervision appropriate to the child’s needs while his or her family or other primary caregivers are temporarily relieved from daily caregiving demands. Respite care may take place in a residential or institutional setting, the family’s home, the home of a caregiver, or in other community settings.
Safety Planning and Prevention: Safety planning and prevention includes items or services that reduce risk or danger to help keep the participant safe in their homes and communities. Safety planning and prevention services assists participants who, without such supports, are experiencing or likely to experience safety-related challenges at home or in the community as a result of their disability, trauma, behavioral, social, or emotional issues.
Specialized Medical and Therapeutic Supplies: Specialized medical and therapeutic supplies maintain the participant’s health, manage a medical or physical condition, improve functioning, or enhance independence.
Transportation: This service funds nonmedical, nonemergency transportation needs related to engaging and participating in a child or youth’s community—with the people, places, and resources that are meaningful for his or her self-determination—and to meet his or her goals and daily needs.
If you have questions, you can contact your Support and Service Coordinator (SSC) or your County Waiver Agency Supervisor.
Wisconsin Wayfinder: Children’s Resource Network, 877-WiscWay (877-947-2929): Wisconsin Wayfinder offers families one name and phone number to find services for children with special health care needs. Wayfinder connects you to a resource guide at one of the five Children’s Resource Centers in your area.
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