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Family Voices Resources
- Fall 2018
- Fall 2019
- Fall 2020
- Fall 2021
- Fall 2022
- Issue 1 2023
- Issue 2 2023
- Issue 3 2023
- Issue 4 2023
- Spring 2018
- Spring 2019
- Spring 2020
- Spring 2021
- Spring 2022
- Summer 2018
- Summer 2019
- Summer 2020
- Summer 2021
- Summer 2022
- Winter 2018
- Winter 2019
- Winter 2020
- Winter 2021
- Winter 2022
- Show all ( 9 ) Collapse
- 1. Introduction and Overview
- 2. Is My Child Eligible for the CLTS Program?
- 3. Completing a Functional Screen
- 4. What to Expect After a Child is Determined Eligible
- 5. Developing Your Child's Individual Service Plan
- 6. Your Child's Service Plan: Creating Outcomes
- 7. What Services Might be Covered?
- 8. Appealing a Denial
- Your Voice Counts #1: Introduction to Family Leadership
- Your Voice Counts #2: Being an Effective Advocate
- Your Voice Counts #3: Families Need to be at the Table
- Your Voice Counts #4: Participating in a Children’s Community Options Program Advisory Committee
- Your Voice Counts #5: Joining a Committee: Thoughts for Families
- Your Voice Counts #6: Overcome Barriers and Get Involved
- Adult Long-Term Support Programs
- Exploring Self-Employment for Youth with Disabilities
- Financial Planning for Youth with Disabilities
- Healthcare Transition Planning
- Housing for a Young Adult with Disabilities
- Introduction to Integrated Transition for Youth and Families
- Planning for Employment
- Safety Planning for Life in the Community
- Transition for Youth with Mental Health Needs
- Youth Fully Participating and Engaged in Their Community
- A "Medical Home" - What Should I Expect From My Doctor
- ABLE Accounts: What Wisconsin Families Need to Know
- Are You Tele-Ready? Making the Most of Telemedicine Visits
- Birth to 3 Program: A Family Perspective
- Community Connections and Friendship for Children with Disabilities
- COVID and School Safety: Options for Children with Disabilities or Complex Medical Conditions
- COVID Vaccines and Children with Disabilities or Complex Medical Needs
- Creating a Vision for Your Child’s Future
- Early Choices Matter: Children Building Choice-Making Skills
- Finding and Hiring Direct Caregivers
- Finding the Right Doctor for Your Child With Special Needs
- Inclusive Child Care for Children with Disabilities
- Insurance Prior Authorizations
- Katie Beckett Program: A Doorway to Medicaid for Children with Disabilities
- Making the Most of Doctors Appointments
- Medicaid and Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
- Medicaid Coverage for Diapers and Other Incontinence Supplies
- Medicaid HealthCheck "Other Services"
- Medicaid HMO Coverage for Diapers
- Medicaid Personal Care Services
- Medicaid: Appealing a Denial
- Medicaid: Explaining and Exploring Wisconsin Medicaid
- Preparing for Emergencies
- Private Duty Nursing: A Medicaid Covered Service
- Questions for My Health Plan or Insurance Company
- Respite Services for Children with Disabilities
- School and Community Based Therapy Services: Understanding Your Options and Avoiding Insurance Denials
- Self Determination and Children with Disabilities
- Summer Camps
- Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Children with Disabilities
- Supported Decision Making for Transition-Age Youth
- Transition - Health Coverage Options for Young Adults
- Wisconsin’s Guardianship Training Requirement: What Families Need to Know
- Working with a Fiscal Employer Agent
- Working with an IRIS Consultant
- Show all ( 20 ) Collapse
- 2017 Listening Session Report
- 2018 Listening Session Report
- 2019 Listening Session Report
- 2021 Listening Session Report
- 2022 Listening Session Report
- 2023 Listening Session Report
- 2024 Listening Session Report
- Advocacy for Change 2021, Evaluation Summary
- Advocacy for Change 2022, Evaluation Summary
- Shared Participation
- Birth to 3 Program: Why is a Natural Environment Important?
- Birth to 3 Program: Why is Early Intervention Important?
- Care Map Instructions: Making a Care Map for Your Child
- Emergency Preparedness: Make a Plan
- Medicaid Coverage for Diapers and Other Incontinence Supplies
- Newborn Screening: What if Your Baby's Screening Results are Concerning?
- Newborn Screening: What is Genetics?
- Newborn Screening: What is Newborn Screening?
- Respite Care vs Personal Care: Is there a difference?
Equity and Diversity
- Connecting with your Child with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities about Racism, Police Brutality, and Protests
- Racial and Social Injustice (ep. 2)
- Structural Racism, Child Health and the Need for a Racial Equity Lens
- Understanding Racial and Social Injustice (ep. 1)
- Understanding Racial and Social Injustice (ep. 3): Mama’s Circle, Part 1
- Understanding Racial and Social Injustice (ep. 4): Dads' Round Table Talk
Family Leadership
- Advocacy for Change Institute
- DHS: Statutory Boards, Committees, and Councils
- Find Your State Legislator
- Partners in Policymaking
- Speak Up - Finding Your Voice
- State-Level Committees and Councils
- Wisconsin Family Leadership Institute (WiFLI)
- Your Voice Counts #1: Introduction to Family Leadership
- Your Voice Counts #2: Being an Effective Advocate
- Your Voice Counts #3: Families Need to be at the Table
- Your Voice Counts #4: Participating in a Children’s Community Options Program Advisory Committee
- Your Voice Counts #5: Joining a Committee: Thoughts for Families
- Your Voice Counts #6: Overcome Barriers and Get Involved
Family Support
- Birth to 3 Program
- Birth to 3 Program: A Family Perspective
- Birth to 3 Program: Why is a Natural Environment Important?
- Birth to 3 Program: Why is Early Intervention Important?
- Disasters and Emergencies - Keeping Children Safe
- Finding and Hiring Direct Caregivers
- Inclusive Child Care for Children with Disabilities
- Respite Care vs Personal Care: Is there a difference?
- Respite Services for Children with Disabilities
- Tips for Keeping Your Family Healthy this Summer
- An Introduction to Special Education
- ARC Toolkit to Telling Your Story
- Children's Resource Centers
- Community Connections and Friendship for Children with Disabilities
- COVID and School Safety: Options for Children with Disabilities or Complex Medical Conditions
- Emergency Preparedness: Make a Plan
- Finding the Right Doctor for Your Child With Special Needs
- How to Tell Your Story
- Organizations to Assist Families
- Sports and Recreation
- Starting and Sustaining Family Support Groups: Sustaining a Family Support Group
- Starting and Sustaining Family Support Groups: Virtual Support Groups
- Starting and Sustaining Family Support Groups: Where to Begin?
- Summer Camps
- Wisconsin’s Guardianship Training Requirement: What Families Need to Know
Health Care
- A "Medical Home" - What Should I Expect From My Doctor
- Care Map Instructions: Making a Care Map for Your Child
- COVID Resource List
- COVID Vaccines and Children with Disabilities or Complex Medical Needs
- Glossary: Health Care Acronyms & Abbreviations
- Insurance Prior Authorizations
- Making the Most of Doctors Appointments
- Nursing Services for Students with Healthcare Needs
- Partnering with Your Child's Provider
- School and Community Based Therapy Services: Understanding Your Options and Avoiding Insurance Denials
- TIPS: Partnering with Your Child's Health Plan
- Youth to Adult Health Transition
Long-Term Supports
- 1. Introduction and Overview
- 2. Is My Child Eligible for the CLTS Program?
- 3. Completing a Functional Screen
- 4. What to Expect After a Child is Determined Eligible
- 5. Developing Your Child's Individual Service Plan
- 6. Your Child's Service Plan: Creating Outcomes
- 7. What Services Might be Covered?
- 8. Appealing a Denial
- Children’s Community Options Program (CCOP)
- Early Choices Matter: Children Building Choice-Making Skills
- Children's Long-Term Supports Program
- Find Your Federal Representative
- Forward Health - Health Care Programs
- Katie Beckett Program: A Doorway to Medicaid for Children with Disabilities
- Medicaid and Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
- Medicaid Coverage for Diapers and Other Incontinence Supplies
- Medicaid Coverage for Diapers and Other Incontinence Supplies
- Medicaid HealthCheck "Other Services"
- Medicaid HMO Coverage for Diapers
- Medicaid Personal Care Services
- Medicaid: Appealing a Denial
- Medicaid: Explaining and Exploring Wisconsin Medicaid
- Private Duty Nursing: A Medicaid Covered Service
- SSI Child Disability Starter Kit
Mental Health
Money Matters
Recursos en español
Family Voices hojas informativas y boletines en español
- 1. Introducción y descripción general
- 2. ¿Mi hijo es elegible para el programa de exención para CLTS?
- 3. Completar una evaluación funcional
- 4. Qué esperar después de que se determina que un niño es elegible
- 5. Desarrollando el Plan Individual de Servicios de su Hijo
- 6. Plan de servicios de su hijo: Creando resultados
- 7. ¿Qué servicios se podrían cubrir?
- 8. Apelando una denegación
- Programa de Apoyoa Largo Plazo para NiñosHojasInformativas-Enero de 2019
- Su vos cuenta #4: Participación en el Comité Asesor del Programa de Opciones Comunitarias para Niños de Wisconsin
- Su voz cuenta #1: Introducción al liderazgo familiar
- Su voz cuenta #2: Cómo ser un defensor eficaz
- Su voz cuenta #3: Las familias necesitan estar presentes en la mesa
- Su voz cuenta #5: Únase a un comité, Ideas para las familias
- Su voz cuenta #6: Supere barreras y participe
- WITPP 10: seguridad en una vida en comunidad
- WITPP 1: Introducción a Una Transición Integral Para Jóvenes y Familias
- WITPP 2: Jóvenes participando e involucrándose plenamente con su comunidad
- WITPP 3: Transición para jóvenes con necesidades de salud mental
- WITPP 4: Planificación para Conseguir Empleo
- WITPP 5: Programas de apoyo a largo plazo para adultos
- WITPP 6: Vivienda para un joven adulto con discapacidades
- WITPP 7: Planificación para la transición de cuidados de salud
- WITPP 8: Planificación financiera para jóvenes con discapacidades
- WITPP 9: Exploración del trabajo independiente para jóvenes con discapacidades
- Apelación de un rechazo de Medicaid o BadgerCare
- Aprovechar al máximo las citas médicas
- Asociándose con el proveedor de su hijo
- Autodeterminación
- Autorizaciones Previas del Seguro
- Búsqueda de personal para respiro y cuidados personales
- Búsqueda y Contratación de Cuidadores Directos
- Cobertura de Medicaid HMO para pañales
- Cobertura de Medicaid para pañales
- COVID y la Seguridad Escolar
- Cuentas ABLE - Lo Que Las Familias de Wisconsin Necesitan Saber
- Cuidado Infantil Inclusivo para Niños con Discapacidades
- Cuidados de relevo para niños con discapacidades
- Decisiones Hechas con Apoyo
- Eligiendo Al Doctor Correcto
- Enfermera privada: Un servicio cubierto por Medicaid
- Hogar Médico
- Katie Beckett Medicaid
- Los Servicios de Cuidado Personal Y Medicaid
- Medicaid HealthCheck “Otros Servicios”
- Medicaid: Explicando y Explorando Wisconsin Medicaid
- Medicaidy el transporte a citas médicas
- Opciones de cobertura de la salud para jóvenes
- Organizaciones de Wisconsin que ofrecen recursos para familias con niños y jóvenes con necesidades de cuidados especiales de salud
- Preguntas para mi plan de salud o compañía de seguros
- Preguntas para una agencia de salud mental
- Preparación para emergencias
- Programa desde el nacimiento hasta los 3 años: Una perspectiva familiar
- Requisito de capacitación para la custodia en Wisconsin: Lo que las familias deben saber
- Seguro de ingresos suplementario y niños con discapacidad
- Servicios do terapia
- Soñar e imaginar el futuro de su hijo
- Trabajar con un agente fiscal del empleador
- Trabajar con un Consultor de IRIS
- Vacunas de COVID y Niños con Discapacidades o Necesidades Médicas Complejas
- ¿Estás tele-listo/a?
- Show all ( 21 ) Collapse
- Are You Tele-Ready? Making the Most of Telemedicine Visits
- Internet Connectivity Program in Wisconsin
- Internet Resources for Wisconsin Residents during Public Health Emergency
- Telehealth Glossary
- Telehealth Security
- Telehealth Webinar 1: Are You Connected?
- Telehealth Webinar 2: Do You Have a Device?
- Telehealth Webinar 3: Can You See Your Provider?
- Telehealth Webinar 4: Your Family's First Telemedicine Appointment
Transition to Adult Life
- Adult Long-Term Support Programs
- Creating a Vision for Your Child’s Future
- Exploring Self-Employment for Youth with Disabilities
- Financial Planning for Youth with Disabilities
- Healthcare Transition Planning
- Housing for a Young Adult with Disabilities
- Introduction to Integrated Transition for Youth and Families
- Planning for Employment
- Safety Planning for Life in the Community
- Self Determination and Children with Disabilities
- Supported Decision Making for Transition-Age Youth
- Supported Decision Making Guide - BPDD
- Transition - Health Coverage Options for Young Adults
- Transition for Youth with Mental Health Needs
- Working with a Fiscal Employer Agent
- Working with an IRIS Consultant
- Youth Fully Participating and Engaged in Their Community
- Youth to Adult Health Transition
- Show all ( 3 ) Collapse
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